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Czech Republic

Capital city: Prague
Population: 10.3 million
Total area: 78.866 km² (30.450 sq mi)
The highest point: Sněžka at 1.602 m (5.260 ft)
Government: Parliamentary republic (President: Petr Pavel)
Official language: Czech

The Czech Republic – a Jewel in the Heart of Europe Those who would like to get acquainted with one of the most beautiful countries in Europe should not miss the Czech Republic. The territory of the Czech Republic consists of three historical lands – Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia. Since January 1, 1993 it has been an independent state, previously it was part of Czechoslovakia. It is a member of the European Union.

For centuries, Czech culture has been an integral part of European culture. Urban and rural architecture, enhanced by works of art, has not escaped the attention of UNESCO – allowing the Czech Republic to boast twelve listed World Heritage Sites, as well as five traditions of a folklore and hunting nature inscribed on the Intangible Cultural Heritage List.

The number of foreign visitors to the Czech Republic has been increasing sharply over the last several years. Many come back after their first visit, to enjoy together with others all that the Czech Republic has to offer. The main advantage of the Czech Republic is the wealth, diversity and accessibility of cultural, historical and natural places of interest, all concentrated in a relatively small space that boast very serviceable standards of accommodation and dining facilities.

Very famous is the so-called “Bath Triangle” which consists of the world-famous spas – Karlovy Vary, Mariánské Lázně and Františkovy Lázně. These spas were visited by famous people such as J. W. Goethe, A. Dvořák, J. S. Bach, W. A. Mozart as well as many others.

For those who appreciate history, the Czech Republic offers the following UNESCO sights: Chateau Lednicko-valtický campus, Historical town preservations including Český Krumlov, Telč and Kutná Hora.

Lake lovers should not miss a visit to South Bohemia, with its abundance of lakes and beautiful countryside.

Complete information about the Czech Republic is available at the official website of the official website of the Czech Republic or download the guide to the Czech Republic and its monuments of UNESCO World Heritage.

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