Welcome at the FIATA REU Meeting 2025 website!
Meeting starts in
Welcome message
Since a long time ago, it was a mere tradition to organize every year a global all-continent-embracing FIATA Meeting in a selected member country. As the years went on and FIATA kept growing, the meetings rose to a mass event with a seldom chance to meet everyone and enjoy the envisaged spirit of friendship and collaboration. That´s why FIATA decided to return to roots and run region focused meetings in order to allow its members to talk more focused, continent-relevant topics. The choice of Prague was then a rather logical step - it lies in the heart of Europe, it has ever been a crossroad of merchant and transport lines, center of culture and spiritual center with a 1500-year long history but also vibrant present.
It goes without saying that we shall again speak transport language and touch logistic issues. But that all will be reinforced by the beauty and hospitality of Praha. Please come taste the Town!
Dr. Petr Rožek
Chair of the local organizing committee
Association of Forwarding and Logistics, CZ
The Regional Field Meeting, hosted by a regional association in collaboration with FIATA, is a key opportunity to:
- attend B2B meetings
- discuss regional challenges and solutions
- to network with the regional freight forwarding community
- share knowledge with fellow industry stakeholders to ‘navigate uncertain waters’